Sunday, March 3, 2013

What to do with an Alcoholic?

The life of an alcoholic is not only chaotic for the alcoholic, but can be a source of trauma for the alcoholic family.How do you live with an alcoholic is constantly on the mind of the spouse in an alcoholic family.The chaos and dysfunction of alcoholism in the family may result all too often in alcoholic children. What to do with an alcoholic and family alcoholism is addressed in Randy Young’s book “SECRET TIPS: HOW TO SURVIVE & HELP THE ALCOHOLIC YOU LOVE.” Following is an excerpt from my book,"Confused? Wondering why the focus should start with you and not the alcoholic? Let me explain why. First of all, the only person you can truly change is you. You have the control and ability to learn new information, and to change how you think, feel and act. Chances are you have already tried nearly everything you can think of to get the alcoholic to stop drinking. You may have made excuses for the alcoholic’s drinking behavior, taken over responsibilities, tried to bargain with the alcoholic, threatened, bailed him out of trouble, and pleaded and bargained to no avail. These failed attempts to change the alcoholic are further evidence that your focus has been on the wrong person." Hopefully this will stimulate some thought and discussion. Thank you for letting me share. I invite readers interested in my books to visit my author's page at